Abuse... and a New Beginning
It's the word I've chosen to describe the way I have treated my God-given talent in the former year: abuse. I stopped writing. I stopped doing it for fun, I stopped doing it to expand my creativity, I stopped doing it for you and I stopped doing it for God. And I'm sorry. I will tell you that I was greedy with my writing in the past; I wrote for self-gratification. I have since realized that the joy received from putting pen to pad or fingers to keyboard is received because of you, the reader. Even if I only reach one person with my words, I have achieved my purpose. I write to inspire, to help, to make you think, wonder and maybe even laugh. I write because when I do, I know God is near; not only near but smiling. He gave me this gift and I am ashamed that I haven't been putting it into practice. God's given me the intelligence to know that words are sacred; they are to be treated with respect. I know that I can find a balance between the privilege God's granted me, to write according to His Will, and my right to free speech as a citizen of the United States. That is why I feel comfortable writing freely. I am blessed to know that nothing is more powerful than words and our Lord. After all, how did He choose to convey His purpose for us? Through the Word. That is why you will continually see the two coincide on this Web page. And I can tell you this much, if I have touched you through any of my writing, it is only because of Him. I am a mere vessel he has choosen to work with and through.
You know that feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio or your iPod randomly? An unexpected excitement; and not only that but this feeling in your soul that you can do anything, be anyone... That's what I feel when I write. Writing to me is like making music to a musician: To passionately create something for others that is original and stimulating. I want my written thoughts, feelings and opinions to move the reader as music moves the listener. A musician uses notes, while the author, words. Those who are talented enough can stir emotion and even produce change in an audience. That is my aim.
Many things have kept me from writing--excuses mainly. I know I have let several of my readers down because of this, if not lost them completely. However, I'll do whatever it takes to keep sharing my view of the world with you through these desperate words of mine. If you are passionate about something in life, go do it. Don't let petty excuses hold you back like they did me. Trust me, when you're doing something you love, you produce a certain glow that everyone witnesses.
Thank you for reading; you're the reason I do this. It's funny, I thought I had lost myself but when I finally sat back down to write, I realized I was never lost, just a little misguided. Now that I'm writing, I've found my path again. This is me. I know who I am when I write.
And I am back.
It's the word I've chosen to describe the way I have treated my God-given talent in the former year: abuse. I stopped writing. I stopped doing it for fun, I stopped doing it to expand my creativity, I stopped doing it for you and I stopped doing it for God. And I'm sorry. I will tell you that I was greedy with my writing in the past; I wrote for self-gratification. I have since realized that the joy received from putting pen to pad or fingers to keyboard is received because of you, the reader. Even if I only reach one person with my words, I have achieved my purpose. I write to inspire, to help, to make you think, wonder and maybe even laugh. I write because when I do, I know God is near; not only near but smiling. He gave me this gift and I am ashamed that I haven't been putting it into practice. God's given me the intelligence to know that words are sacred; they are to be treated with respect. I know that I can find a balance between the privilege God's granted me, to write according to His Will, and my right to free speech as a citizen of the United States. That is why I feel comfortable writing freely. I am blessed to know that nothing is more powerful than words and our Lord. After all, how did He choose to convey His purpose for us? Through the Word. That is why you will continually see the two coincide on this Web page. And I can tell you this much, if I have touched you through any of my writing, it is only because of Him. I am a mere vessel he has choosen to work with and through.
You know that feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio or your iPod randomly? An unexpected excitement; and not only that but this feeling in your soul that you can do anything, be anyone... That's what I feel when I write. Writing to me is like making music to a musician: To passionately create something for others that is original and stimulating. I want my written thoughts, feelings and opinions to move the reader as music moves the listener. A musician uses notes, while the author, words. Those who are talented enough can stir emotion and even produce change in an audience. That is my aim.
Many things have kept me from writing--excuses mainly. I know I have let several of my readers down because of this, if not lost them completely. However, I'll do whatever it takes to keep sharing my view of the world with you through these desperate words of mine. If you are passionate about something in life, go do it. Don't let petty excuses hold you back like they did me. Trust me, when you're doing something you love, you produce a certain glow that everyone witnesses.
Thank you for reading; you're the reason I do this. It's funny, I thought I had lost myself but when I finally sat back down to write, I realized I was never lost, just a little misguided. Now that I'm writing, I've found my path again. This is me. I know who I am when I write.
And I am back.
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11:48 PM
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